This is Our Story, This is our Song
8:30 – 9 a.m. | Registration at the Vermeer Global Pavilion
9 – 10:30 a.m. | Introductions and Session 1: Will There Be Any Christians in Heaven?
10:30 – 10:45 a.m. | Break
10:45 a.m. – noon | Session 2: A Jesus Human: Risen and Rising
12-1 p.m. | Lunch
1 – 2:15 p.m. | Session 3: Designer Jesus: Aesthetics as Apologetics
2:15 – 2:30 p.m. | Wrap up and thank yous
Author of more than 200 articles, 1,500+ published sermons, hundreds of YouTube vlogs and over 70 books, Leonard Sweet’s recent publications include Rings of Fire (his successor book to the best-selling SoulTsunami), Telos (with Len Wilson), Contextual Intelligence (with Michael Beck), Jesus Human (forthcoming 2023), and Designer Jesus (forthcoming 2023).
Len often appears on the 50 Most Influential Christians in America listings, and in 2010 was selected by the top non-English Christian website Christian Telegraph as one of the Top 10 Influential World Christians of 2010. His semiotic “LenTalks” are posted weekly on YouTube, and his “Napkin Scribbles” podcasts can be accessed on leonardsweet.com or Spotify. His Twitter and Facebook microblogs are ranked as some of the most influential in the religious world.
Len works with graduate students at four institutions: Drew University, where he has occupied the E. Stanley Jones Chair, George Fox University, Northwind Seminary, and Southeastern
University. In 2015 he launched his own homiletics resource preachthestory.com. One of the most sought-after speakers in the religious world today, he resides on Orcas Island in the San
Juan Islands.